W.E.L.L. stands for Wellness, Empowerment, Learning and Luxury. This two day conference is an holistic 360° wellness experience focused wellness, self-love, empowerment and all things green beauty and clean living.
Last year, I stayed at the conference for one day and it was anamazing experience, so I decided to stay the full days this year.
The 2017 W.E.L.L. Summit was packed, but this year, wow, the vibe was electric with so many like-minded people cheering and sharing this experience together.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I suffered severe burned out recently and I needed to go back to prioritizing myself and being present; I also re-read two of my favorite books : The Power of Now and Own Your Glow. This conference felt like a perfect opportunity for me to just hit the reset button.
So, I was so excited to the W.E.L.L. Summit 2018 in Brooklyn, NY.
What were my expectations of the event?
- Relax and Rejuvenate
- Learn more and reinforce my self-care practices
- Connect with like minded people
- Discover new wellness brands
- Get some green products at discount prices
- Learn about self-love and clean living from the panels and sessions
- Go outside my comfort zone by learning about fermentation cooking and Chinese medicine
During the conference, all the vendors had plenty of organic and natural products samples for us to try from your favorite brands. I bought few products at 20% or 30% off. I also enjoyed the free fruit juices and alkaline water they had for us to stay hydrated.
They also served breakfast and lunch with vegan and vegetarian options.
If you've never been at the WELL Summit, there are panel discussions on a main stage with experts and keynote speakers and then there are breakout sessions for smaller group discussion with experts.
It was so inspiring to listen to all the busy women sharing their experiences with us and empowering us to get a little closer to our own wellness path.
Balance does not exist; we should focus on designing our environment to meet our needs.
- Feeling overwhelmed and struggling is ok. It all about how we handle our challenges.
- Your self-awareness is your superpower. Listen to your body and act on what you feel.
- Let's not overburden ourselves with "must dos". We could use mantras to help us embrace what is. Mantra: This is what it is right now!
- Having a structure helps. Being organized and having a reference that always calm us will help us feel rested and restored.
- The words we use to describe our lives have energy and we become that energy. If we say that our life is busy and crazy, our energy shift to being busy and crazy. We need to rephrase. Maybe replace "I am so busy" by "I have so many opportunities" Liz Plosser, Editor-In-Chief of Women’s Health.
Have you been to the WELL Summit? What did you think?
The breakout sessions feel so intimate!
These sessions are in small groups of 40 people and It really feels like the experts are directly talking to you. It is also ideal to ask direct questions to experts.
Ladies, this was an eye opener for me. Hello!!! The knowledge she shared was practical, right to the point, and I had so many aha moments - so many. Listen, let's just say it; I had it completely wrong.
One of my biggest aha moment was that we become burnout because we don't listen to our own internal warning signals. Our body and mind tell us that we need a break and we completely ignore it. What's happening is that internal messages from our subconscious are driving us. These messages could be " if it feels hard and difficult then it must be right". Or, it could that we value ourselves based on our accomplishments, so the more we do the more we feel better about ourselves.
Now what to do? Jenny D. Brice, suggested tapping into Your "Felt Sense"
She talked about four phases to avoid burnout. See below. Read more about the Felt Sense Method here.
Go outside my comfort zone by learning about fermentation cooking and Chinese medicine
About Fermented Cooking:
Fermented food supports gut health. Your gut changes everything from your mood to the quality of your sleep.
Microbium is the whole bacteria system in your body. 70% of your microbium leaves in your guts. The microbium is essential to our health. Antibiotics, while helping us, wipe out our microbium. Fermented food support our body production of good bacteria. Phoebe taught us how to make Sauerkraut. It is so easy! Get the recipe and learn more about fermented food here -
The Power of Chinese Medicine for Healing Skin. Sandra Lanshin Chiu hosted this class and I was just blown away. I have always been curious about Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) because they use mixture of herbs to help the body function correctly. Read more about it here.
The overall conference was a great experience and I highly recommend if you are looking for a way to spend 2 days to rest, restore, and regenerate.
Have you been to the WELL Summit? What did you think?