Feeling stuffy? Drinking from hot fluids like teas, broth, or soup can help alleviate the thin the mucus in your nasal passages. The steam from this hot non-alcoholic beverage helps with this process. .
2. Rinse It Out
Nasal rinse can remove accumulated bacteria, thin mucus, and cut down on postnasal drip.
*Simply mix 1/2 teaspoon sea salt in 8 ounces of warm distilled water in a neti pot
*Lean over a sink and gently flush each nostril, one at a time.
Chlorine in tap water can irritate your nasal lining and sinuses; it should not be used for a nasal rinse. Too busy to make the mix, my favorite alternatives
3. Natural alternative to Zyrtec? Try Butterbur and Quercetin
Several studies suggest that a butterbur extract called Ze 339 can have the same effect as antihistamine medicines. Quercetin found in plant foods like broccoli or cauliflower can calm down hyperactivity of the airways. Take natural drug-free supplements that combine both or natural supplement that only contain only one type of extract.
4. Wash up
Take a shower when you come home. After being outdoors, your clothes, hair, and skin are covered with tiny particles of allergens; wash these particles away so you don't transfer to your home.
5. Keep your home clean from allergy triggers
Having a clean home is one the best way to remove allergens. But, using harsh chemicals to clean your home can trigger allergies. Clean your house with natural cleaning products and use an air filter in your house.
Precautions when dealing Allergies Mild or moderate allergies are usually not very threatening. However, severe allergic reactions require medical attention. See a doctor if you have severe allergic reactions.