Do you remember times when you were looking at your to-do list and you became so overwhelmed and stressed out? Your energy level was so low that you thought you couldn't do it! You got your 4th cup of coffee and forced yourself into doing the 10th task on your list; the results turned out not so great and you felt terrible about yourself and so inadequate. Well, we all felt that way at some point, but there is a another way to do this!
We have compiled a list of 10 self-care practices that would be useful. You could try to incorporate one or several of these practices in your daily lives; they will help make your busy days and weeks less stressful and easier to handle.
1. Energize your Body
Performing routine office task with diligence and managing your house can consume all of your energy; It is essential to find the time in your busy schedule to energize your body. Energizing your body will help you crush your to-do lists so much faster.
Here are a few ways you could energize your body:
- Stand up at your desk for five minutes while quickly checking your emails.
- Take a 6-minute break - step out of your office for a minute or two and take five deep breathes slowly before going back to your desk; it sounds like a small thing but imagine doing this two or three times per day; it will add up.
- Go to the nearest park for a walk. You can also take your kids along and spend some quality time with them. It will refresh your body and mind to do better on your next tasks.
2. Mini Meditations
Mini-meditations are very useful and can be done in less than two minutes; they help us hit the pause button and reset. Doing mini-meditations can quickly become an healthy habit that can be make any crazy busy lifestlye stress-free. You could practice mini-meditations at your desk or at home. They help get rid of all the stress that our body has accumulated throughout the day. There are several meditation apps out there and my favorite one is Headspace. Click here to see this 2-minute mini-meditation from Headspace.
3. Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking plenty of water will not only help you feel better, it will also bring a glow to your skin and strengthen your immune system. Drinking water is as essential as breathing; it helps get rid of toxins that accumulate in our body. If you experience headaches throughout the day, try drinking some water; you might be dehydrated. Drinking two full glasses of water as soon as you wake up can help you with your daily water intake.
4. Read One of your Favorite Book
Take 5 minutes or more to read one of your favorite book or a magazine you enjoy.
It will help refresh your mind. We are all going digital but there is something to say about flipping the page of our favorite books or magazines. It engages all our senses and forces us to fully present in the moment to do something we really enjoy. If we make reading a daily habit, we will be less stressed and happier overall.
5. Write, Write, Write in Your Journal
All you need is a simple notebook. You can find one at your local drugstore or Amazon. Writing in your journal is essential; there are so many mental benefits of journaling. Writing the strong emotions we experienced throughout the day or the week helps us in two ways: It helps us release the tensions that strong emotions can create in us and it helps us remember the great moments we experienced.
If you are worried that someone might find out what you wrote, still write it down and throw it away to just release your emotions; it can be so relaxing for our mind. Try the happiness planners if you are looking for more elaborate and sophisticated journals. They are designed to help you remember to smell the roses every day and are so inspirational.