Do you usually suffer from spring allergies? If yes, this blog post is for you. Some of the common signs that you have allergies are itchy or watering eyes, runny nose, congestion, irritation or tickle in the ears, excess mucus production scratchy throat or sneezing.
If you have any of these signs, you might be suffering from allergies. Before I switch to natural living, I was a big user for allergy medication like Zyrtec and Benadryl; But, I found ways to deal with allergies naturally and I share it with you in this blog post.
So, what can you so about spring allergies naturally?
While this may be difficult to achieve when you suffer from natural allergies during spring, the truth is that there are some steps that you can take to, at least, reduce your exposure. These can include:
- decreasing the time you spend outdoors
- wash your hands frequently
- take a shower after spending time outdoors
- remove dust and allergens from your home
- use a humidifier to help moisturize the environment at home
#2: Boost Your Immune System:
When you give a boost to your immune system, you will be less susceptible to allergic reactions. So, here are some things that you can do that can help you boost your immune system:
- sleep at least 7 to 8 hours each night
- use raw Local honey. There is no recommended amount, but having one spoon of raw honey daily worked for me (you should not give honey to children under the age of 1).
- you should include in your diet high-antioxidant foods such as berries, pineapple, yams, carrot, and beets. In addition, you should consider including in your diet raw local honey, bone broth, spices such as ginger and turmeric, dark leafy greens, wild-caught fish, free-range poultry, and grass-fed meats.
#3: Make Use Of Herbs with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties
You could add the following herbs in your smoothies
- Spirulina - provides antioxidants and helps to stop the release of histamines
- Stinging Nettles - contain anti-inflammatory and anti-histaminic properties
- Echinacea - helps to strengthen your immune system by fighting infections, decreasing inflammation, and reducing sinus
- Bromelain - this is an anti-inflammatory compound that reduces sinuses and swelling in the nose
#4: Take Essential Nutrients As Supplements:
Today, you can easily find a wide variety of supplements on the market that can help you fight allergies.
- Probiotics - they not only support the immune system as they can help replenish beneficial gut bacteria
- Zinc - helps reduce the effects of chronic diseases as well as fatigue
- Vitamins A, S, and E - these vitamins are all antioxidants and they can, therefore, reduce allergy symptoms as well as protect against illness.
- Butterbur and Quercetin - can help with asthma, excess mucus, and bronchitis
Several studies suggest that a butterbur extract called Ze 339 can have the same effect as antihistamine medicines. Quercetin found in plant foods like broccoli or cauliflower can calm down hyperactivity of the airways. Take natural drug-free supplements that like LES Labs Sinus & Seasonal, Natural Supplement.
Some essential oils can provide you some relief to allergy reactions. For example, lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint essential oils tend to work very well for opening up the lungs and the nasal passages, relieve stress, and even improving circulation.
This nasal rinse can remove accumulated bacteria, thin mucus, and cut down on postnasal drip.
Nasal Rinse with Neti Pot
*Simply mix 1/2 teaspoon sea salt in 8 ounces of warm distilled water in a neti pot
*Lean over a sink and gently flush each nostril, one at a time.
Chlorine in tap water can irritate your nasal lining and sinuses; it should not be used for a nasal rinse.