Unfortunately, this is the reality that many women who work and have a family need to deal with every single day. The truth is that as a woman, each one of us was raised with the idea that we need to make huge sacrifices for our family and for our work in order to reap the rewards of life. The truth is that you keep making sacrifices and more sacrifices and no reward at all.

And this is where self-care comes in your way. Things like having lunch, having a good night sleep, or occasionally hanging out with friends shouldn't even be considered self-care. But you already crossed that barrier as well. So, why is self-care so important?
#1: It's The Only Way To Take Care Of Others
When you don't feel well either physically, psychologically, or mentality, you won't be able to help others. Even though this may be one of the things that you really want to do, you just can't. Your body isn't healthy anymore, your mind is filled with self-doubt as well as simply not working as well as it should. The truth is that most women tend to pretend that everything is alright 24/7, even when it's not. Don't pretend anymore. Make taking care of yourself a high priority.

When you gave up a good night's sleep, breakfast or lunch, or your social life, you're not living anymore. Living your life mean interactions with other people, new experiences, and acquiring new skills and competencies. All that you're doing right now is scrambling to meet the needs of this hour or this day. You're not even thinking about tomorrow, just the immediate future.
If you think that you can handle this up until retirement to then enjoy life, you won't. We all have responsibilities, towards others and towards ourselves. And taking care of yourself is your responsibility.
#3: It's Empowering
The truth is that we tend to get lost among the multiple things we need to do everyday. It's true that you need to work. You have bills to pay. And you need to take care of your home and your family. But between these responsibilities, you need to find the time for yourself, away from all the social media and email notifications, away from those late calls and text messages. This is when you have the ability and chance to connect with your inner self and starting to listen to your gut again. Yes, it's still there. You just haven't been listening to it lately.

Many times you will find yourself questioning what you are doing with your life, thinking about how unsatisfied you are with your life and that there should be something better out there, waiting for you. Want to know the truth? It probably is expecting you. However, you need self-care to regain the trust in yourself that will allow you to make decisions, to look for these opportunities, and to fight for them.
#5: Know That You Are Worthy
Simply put, you need to acknowledge that you don't have to pretend that you are okay 24/7. You can be happy or sad, you can be uncomfortable or feeling incredibly great. You're a human being just like each one of us and the world isn't going to stop because you decided to quit or because you were fired. You have weaknesses and you have strengths. However, no matter what, you deserve respect. And when you take care of yourself, you'll be able to feel this, experience this, live it. And validation can be extremely important.